Tick, tick, ticking off lots of firsts in the past couple of weeks. The new website is up, Comma's Instagram grid is no longer bare and I'm writing the very first blog post. So, what's the story? What roads led to Comma?
It would seem they all did! One of my passions is books; reading was my first love. Winning a Penguin competition to meet real life authors when I was 10 because I'd read the most books at my school set me off on my many adventures between pages. I've lost, loved, travelled the world, been teleported to places and times in history, real and imaginary, immersed myself in poetry and plays and somewhere along the line, I began to light candles when I sat down to read. It became a thing, another passion. Light a candle, read a book. A fortune has been spent and to be honest, some candles with big names from the so-called 'luxury' end of the market are really, really not worth either the hype or the money.
So I started making my own. It's taken a year of smelling bottles and making and testing and making and testing again. I'm so passionate about the books I've chosen as my inspiration, I needed to make sure that the scents sensorily connected to either the theme, a place or a character in the book. And so you have it, two passions combined.
I'm really happy with the small range we are starting with, I think they capture what I've set out to achieve and the quality is there at a great price point. Follow our candle care instructions and you'll have a long-lasting, beautifully scented candle that I hope will bring pleasure to moments in your day as much as they do in mine.
Let me know what you think!